Community Choirs
​Come and experience the deep bliss of singing together in harmony. We are all born singers. Whether or not you believe this, it is true. This is a great way to remember.
"If you can talk you can sing,
if you can walk you can dance."
Zimbabwean proverb. ​
Singing is our birthright. It is utterly interwoven with what it is to be human. We sang before we spoke - it is part of our ancestral memory.

"Thank you so much for bringing us the medicine of song, my life is different when I sing, it’s a blessing"
Choir member
​​When we sing we have an embodied experience of ourselves as a part of the interconnected, vibrational web of existence. When we gather our voices in song, we connect to an ancient sense of belonging - not to mention the release of endorphins (happy hormones), oxytocin and core muscle building!
This is an inclusive community where we gather outside of identification with anything other than being human and making music. Sophia selects repertoire from a range of cultures and traditions including Gospel, Folk, Pop, African, Eastern European and Sacred songs, often with themes around peace, hope, unity and gratitude to the Earth and the natural cycles of life. We sing to heal, to celebrate, to grieve and to give thanks.
There is a concession price to make it affordable to those who need to pay less. We work on a basis of trust that people will pay what they can afford. If you would like to join but are not able to pay the concession fee, please email Sophia ( so we can arrange something that feels affordable.
All are welcome. No need to read music. Everyone can sing.
So, if you haven't already, join a choir and find out what all the fuss is about! Sophia runs two weekly choirs - Hackney Harmony in east London, and Zu Choir, in Lewes, East Sussex. There are many types of choirs and choir leaders out there. Sophia teaches very much in alignment with the Natural Voice style, whose approach is about celebrating the voice you were born with, rather than trying to train it to an ideal of perfection. It's about building accepting, non-judgmental communities that sing together. It's about welcoming all voices into a group without audition and working from there to make a group sound. It's about making learning by ear accessible to the whole group so that nobody needs to be able to read music. Visit the website to find information on other Natural Voice choirs.